This high protein green kale smoothie recipe is packed with healthy nutrients to feed your muscles and boost energy throughout the day.

Green smoothies get their bright colour from a nutrient-rich pigment called chlorophyll, found in leafy vegetables including the new “queen of greens” kale. These green kale nutrients help to clean the body of harmful toxins, oxygenate the blood and boost energy.

Green Kale Smoothie Recipe:

What you need for your Green Kale Smoothie:

  • 2 cups of chopped kale leaves
  • 2 scoops of protein powder (Vanilla)
  • ½ a medium sized banana
  • ½ cup of unsweetened almond milk
  • ½ cup of ice cubes
  • 1 peach, chopped
  • ½ cup of tinned pineapple, drained

How to make your Green Kale Smoothie:

Combine all green kale smoothie ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth. Enjoy your green kale smoothie as a delicious breakfast smoothie or post-workout muscle building protein shake.

Green Kale Smoothie Recipe Super Powers:

Kale Smoothie Recipe


Kale is being called the new “queen of greens” as this low calorie, high fibre vegetable is packed with nutrients, is super versatile and tastes delicious!

UPROTEIN Protein Powder Online

One cup of chopped kale contains just 34 calories, zero fat and 5 grams of fibre which aids digestion, lowers blood sugar and curbs overeating. Kale is also packed with powerful antioxidants including vitamins A, C, and K and is high in iron which is essential for cell growth and other health benefits. 

#2 Kale Smoothie Recipe

Whey Protein

100% Whey Protein contains whey proteins that are considered by many athletes, bodybuilders and fitness experts as the best protein for building and repairing muscle. Whey proteins help to prolong fat metabolism and promote lean muscle growth post exercise making it a key muscle super food.  Whey Protein combines a low carbohydrate blend of WPI, WPC and amines for advanced muscle growth and repair.

#3 Kale Smoothie Recipe


The complete fruit! Bananas contain B vitamins for muscle energy while also helping to restore potassium levels to rehydrate cells after a workout.

Enjoy your green kale smoothie!

Green Kale Smoothie Recipe - High Protein