Food Fight: Quinoa or Brown Rice? Which should you choose for your bodybuilding diet?

First let’s have a quick overview of each:

Brown Rice

Brown Rice has been a staple for bodybuilders and athletes for centuries.  Brown rice is chosen as a muscle building food because it is a complex carbohydrate that is the “unrefined” version of white rice, providing a sustained release of energy to your growing muscles and mass gain results.


Quinoa (pronounced Kin Whar) is the South American “king of grains” that is a protein packed source of complex carbohydrates that is digested slowly and has a low glycemic index, helping you to avoid blood-sugar highs and lows and support lean muscle growth.  Quinoa, which contains all 8 of the essential amino acids and is fast becoming a staple in athletes and bodybuilders diets.

And now let’s compare the two:

Brown Rice - Bodybuilding Diet

Brown Rice

Quantity: 1 cup, cooked

Cost Per 100g: $0.38
Calories:  216
Carbs: 45g
Protein: 5g
Fat:  2g
Extras: Fibre (14% RDI), Vitamin B, B2 (3% RDI), Iron (2% RDI), Zinc (8% RDI), Selenium (27%RDI)

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Quantity: 1 cup, cooked

Cost Per 100g:  $2.36
Calories:  222
Carbs: 39g
Protein:  8g
Fat:  4g
Extras: Fibre (21% RDI), Vitamin B1, B2 (12% RDI), Iron (15% RDI), Zinc (13% RDI), Selenium (7%)

The verdict:

Quinoa Wins!

While Brown Rice wins on price and is still a great carbohydrate to include in your muscle building diet, Quinoa wins the food fight on extra vitamins, minerals and nutrients plus the key muscle building nutrient Protein! A cup of brown rice has 5 grams of protein.  Quinoa however has more than 50 per cent more protein with 8.0 grams per cup and it is also one of just a few plant sources that is a complete protein meaning that it contains all of the needed protein-forming amino acids that are vital in your muscle building diet.

Quinoa or Brown Rice? Which is best for bodybuilding diets?